
Mario Fondati

How to select the right talent for your organisation

We live in dynamic world, the next generation has already entered the job market and their work habits and collaboration requirements are changing. How to deal with the changing market and attract the right talent to your company? Do we put emphasis on expertise and experience, or on personality, the will to learn and develop? We’ll talk about choosing the right people for your organisation, what to focus on and what mistakes to avoid in the selection process.


Mario Fondati has over twenty years of experience in business, fifteen of which have been in consulting. He has worked in international companies and led projects on executive search and streamlining business operations in the areas of management development and process management. He is currently working extensively on the topic of family business, helping owners to successfully plan and execute generational change and set up further development of key family members and management.



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Účastnícke poplatky do 15.9.2022 (platby pripísané na účet do 16.9.2022):

Člen SKZL – 280 €
Nečlen SKZL – 360 €
Zamestnanec LF (s výškou členského poplatku do SKZL 72€/rok) – 170 € 
Študent – 90 €
Zahraničný účastník – 432 €

Údaje k platbe prevodným príkazom:
Číslo účtu: SK81 0200 0000 0027 7113 4356
Variabilný symbol: registračné číslo v komore
Špecifický symbol: 322021
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