
Lucia Plačková

Effective management of the recruitment process

The presentation will describe the sequence, steps and tools for effective management of the recruitment process. In addition to the general level applicable to recruitment as such, we will also touch upon the specifics of the segment and introduce various tools currently used in practice. We will not leave out defining the strategy or creating content. You will also learn how to define platforms for reaching candidates, how to create a suitable layout for advertising, as well as a communication strategy towards potential candidates and your own continuous presentation on the job market.


For twelve years she worked in an international HR consulting company with a focus on executive search. She has successfully filled dozens of senior and middle management positions for clients from various sectors and locations in Slovakia and other CEE countries. As an internal HR Manager, she set up complex processes and standards in the company. Currently, as a Senior Consultant at FONDATI & PARTNERS, LLC, she focuses on building relationships with customers and finding common themes for business development.



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    • Člen SKZL – po zvolení sa Vám objaví výzva na prihlásenie, kde vyplníte svoje prihlasovacie údaje, ktoré sú identické s vašimi prihlasovacími údajmi do profilu na stránke skzl.sk
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  • Dokončite registráciu kliknutím na „ZAREGISTROVAŤ SA NA AKTIVITU“

Poplatok za kongres môžete uhradiť ihneď kartou. V prípade preferencie úhrady prostredníctvom internet bankingu, použite údaje k platbe uvedené nižšie.

Účastnícke poplatky do 15.9.2022 (platby pripísané na účet do 16.9.2022):

Člen SKZL – 280 €
Nečlen SKZL – 360 €
Zamestnanec LF (s výškou členského poplatku do SKZL 72€/rok) – 170 € 
Študent – 90 €
Zahraničný účastník – 432 €

Údaje k platbe prevodným príkazom:
Číslo účtu: SK81 0200 0000 0027 7113 4356
Variabilný symbol: registračné číslo v komore
Špecifický symbol: 322021
Poznámka: meno a priezvisko