
Mgr. Peter Kotira, PhD.

Informed consent through the eyes of a lawyer

The intention is to present not only the legal view of informed consent, but especially the practical implementation in everyday practice. Informed consent represents an important element in which the intention of the dentist providing treatment is clarified in the form of instruction, resulting from his medical knowledge as well as the patient’s understanding expressed by demonstrable consent regarding the proposed health care. Last but not least, informed consent brings many diverse cases with which the treating health professional has to deal, and controversy may arise as to the correctness of their handling. The author’s aim is to present the optics of his solutions to the controversial issues and situations.


Graduate of Master’s and Doctoral studies at the Faculty of Law of the University of Trnava in Trnava. For many years he has been cooperating with the Dr. Josef Raabe publishing house, focusing on all legal areas related to dentistry. He has been working as a lawyer for the Slovak Chamber of Dentists and providing legal advice to its members for more than 8 years.



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