Mgr. Henrich Chomist

DeLeadership – Dentist as leader

DeLEADERSHIP is a specifically prepared programme for Dentists. Based on short theoretical inputs and examples from practice, you will get inspiration on how to manage and lead your team effectively. The philosophy of focusing on systematic work and choosing the appropriate style will help you to achieve your goals and also to build a “High Performance Team”. Linking rationality and emotionality is like Richard Branson’s slogan: “Focus on the numbers and the people will leave, but if you focus on the people, the numbers will come.” This is the role of the so-called Behavioral Leader and it´s also content of this lecture.


Mgr. Henrich Chomist graduated in psychology and is the owner of bpi coach and bpi consulting. He is engaged in the areas of coaching, mentoring and consulting focused on the development of “Human and Business Skills” with the aim of achieving increased productivity and satisfaction or motivation of people. He is cognitive-behaviorally oriented as indicated by the company’s name – Behavioral Performance Indicators. During his 20 years of practice, he has gained experience in managing various teams, their diagnosis and subsequent systematic development in the psychological and managerial field. He has personal experience as a coach, lecturer and project manager for more than 10 000 clients operating in Slovakia and abroad.

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