
MDDr. Šimon Belák


Initial therapy of periodontitis

Periodontitis is a chronic multifactorial disease that results in progressive destruction of the periodontium. The main etiological factors are the presence of biofilm and host susceptibility. Due to the very limited possibilities of influencing the host susceptibility, calculus removal and biofilm control remain the fundamental treatment method. This is crucial not only during the initial phase of therapy but also in the maintenance care to prevent relapse of the disease. The aim of our lecture is to present current knowledge and trends in the initial therapy of periodontitis. The aim of our lives is still unknown.


When Michal was 8 years old and was already learning in his music class the song When the Wolves Gathered by Eugen Suchoň, Šimon was still pulling his rubber duck around the housing estate. Their first real meeting probably took place in the school canteen while queuing for grenadier march. Neither of them remembers it though, as at the time Šimon could hardly reach up to Michal’s waist. A lot of water had to flow in the river Váh before they matched in height and could look each other into the eyes. Though still in the position of teacher – student, they both immediately knew that there would be something more about it. And that’s when their professional collaboration began. Since then, Šimon caught up with Michal’s expertise, even surpassed him. Now they are both grown up enough and ready to perform their periodontal duet.



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