21 CME

    Hall Victory


      • 12:00 - 12:10


      Real Applications of AI in Dentistry in 2024 and ERO FDI Recommendations for Dentists
      • 12:10 - 13:20

      Real Applications of AI in Dentistry in 2024 and ERO FDI Recommendations for Dentists

      doc. MUDr. Roman Šmucler, CSc. (Czech republic)

      Artificial Intelligence as a catalyst for change in dentistry
      • 13:20 - 14:35

      Artificial Intelligence as a catalyst for change in dentistry

      doc. MUDr. Andrej Thurzo, PhD., MPH, MHA (Slovakia)

      • 14:35 - 14:55


      Will robots replace dentists?
      • 16:55 - 17:40

      Will robots replace dentists?

      Mgr. Martin Spano (Slovakia)

      • 17:40 - 18:00


      SDD Open Talk: How artificial intelligence is helping science and evidence-based knowledge in healthcare.
      • 18:00 - 19:45

      SDD Open Talk: How artificial intelligence is helping science and evidence-based knowledge in healthcare.

      Guests: MUDr. Igor Moravčík, doc. MUDr. Andrej Thurzo, doc. MUDr. Roman Šmucler, Mgr. Martin Spano, Mario Minarovský

      • 19:45 - 21:00



        Presidential welcome drink with a performance by Slovak singer, musician and Louis Armstrong impersonator - Peter Ondria with comedian Robo Kajzer
        • 21:00 - 22:30

        Presidential welcome drink with a performance by Slovak singer, musician and Louis Armstrong impersonator - Peter Ondria with comedian Robo Kajzer

        • Lectures in English will be simultaneously interpreted into Slovak.

          Sála Innovation


            Slovenská stomatologická ekonomika z pohľadu lekára a pacienta
            • 12:10 - 12:30

            Slovenská stomatologická ekonomika z pohľadu lekára a pacienta

            Peter Džupa

            Dentálne dilemy: Ako doplnkové zdravotné poistenie ovplyvňuje úsmev v Rakúsku?
            • 12:30 - 13:00

            Dentálne dilemy: Ako doplnkové zdravotné poistenie ovplyvňuje úsmev v Rakúsku?

            Silvia Marková

            Holandská stomatológia - inšpirácia či riziko?
            • 13:00 - 13:30

            Holandská stomatológia - inšpirácia či riziko?

            Natália Sládečková

            Francúzke SHI a jeho silné a slabé stránky
            • 13:30 - 14:00

            Francúzke SHI a jeho silné a slabé stránky

            Marco Mazevet

            Anglické NHS - problém, alebo riešenie?
            • 14:00 - 14:30

            Anglické NHS - problém, alebo riešenie?

            Marco Mazevet

            • 14:30 - 15:00



              Ako sa zmenil Francúzky a Anglický stomatologický trh za posledných 10 rokov
              • 15:00 - 17:00

              Ako sa zmenil Francúzky a Anglický stomatologický trh za posledných 10 rokov

              Marco Mazevet

              • 17:00 - 17:30


                Hall Victory


                  • 10:30 - 10:50

                  COFFEE BREAK

                  • 12:30 - 14:00


                  • 17:00 - 17:40


                    SOCIAL PROGRAM

                    GALA EVENING - banquet, concert of the group TUBLATANKA and disco show
                    • 20:00 - 02:00

                    GALA EVENING - banquet, concert of the group TUBLATANKA and disco show

                    • Lectures in English will be simultaneously interpreted into Slovak.

                      Hall Victory


                         "Side effects" - risks of orthodontic therapy
                        • 09:00 - 09:30

                        "Side effects" - risks of orthodontic therapy

                        doc. MUDr. Andrej Thurzo, PhD., MPH, MHA; Dr. med. dent. Marián Sabo (Slovakia)

                        Our mistakes from the perspective of a forensic expert and a judge
                        • 09:30 - 10:40

                        Our mistakes from the perspective of a forensic expert and a judge

                        • 10:40 - 11:00

                        COFFEE BREAK

                        Prosthetic treatment and periodontium
                        • 11:00 - 13:00

                        Prosthetic treatment and periodontium

                        MUDr. Ladislav Gregor, Dr. Med. Dent., PhD. (Czech republic)

                        • 13:00 - 14:30


                        Interprofessional cooperation in the treatment of orthodontic patients with periodontal disease
                        • 14:30 - 16:45

                        Interprofessional cooperation in the treatment of orthodontic patients with periodontal disease

                        MUDr. Vladimír Filipi, PhD.; MUDr. Ladislav Gregor, Dr. Med. Dent., PhD. (Czech republic)

                        • 16:45 - 17:45

                        DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION OF SDD 2024

                        Hall Inovation

                        HANDS-ON ENDO with Dr. Massimo Giovarruscio

                        BlueShaper PRO Zarc instruments. The world’s first system to combine two heat treatments in a single file, thanks to Dual Wire® technology.

                        Saturday, 12. 10. 2024 od 9:00 – 12:30

                        Only for the Dentists - participants of the SDD 2024 congress.

                        Participation in the hands-on course alone is not possible.
                        Number of attendees: : 20

                        SKZL Member  200 €
                        SKZL Non-member 400 €

                        Each course participant will receive a set of endodontic tools BlueShaper PRO ZARC (provided by SDD partner JustDent). dr. Giovarruscio will lead the course through the KAPS microscope with screen output (provided by SDD partner Camosci).

                        Participation in Hands-on is conditional on participation and immediate payment of the participation fee for SDD 2024 and the fee for the endo course.

                        The course will be held in English, without interpretation into Slovak.


                        Injection matrix system - reconstructions in the frontal section

                        MDDr. Dávid Jagnešák


                        Maximum capacity:

                        Friday, 11. 10. 2024
                        1. course: 09:00 – 12:00 hod.
                        2. course: 14:00 – 17:00 hod.
                        12 people / 1 course

                        Workshop is for congress participants FREE 

                        During the 2.5-hour workshop, we will use a modern injection matrix system to create a reconstruction in the frontal section on the model.
                        We will teach you how to prepare beautiful composite facet restorations with a predictable shape and symmetry. We will show you how to proceed in detail when working with the injection matrix system and what is important to do to achieve a perfect result. We will tell you all the tips and tricks that you can apply while working with Veneer, so that after the workshop you will become a professional in aesthetic reconstructions in the frontal section.

                        President's invitation MUDr. Igor Moravčík

                        Dear colleagues, dear friends,

                        On behalf of myself and on behalf of the SDD Organizing Committee, allow me to address you and invite you to the XXIV SLOVAK DENTAL DAYS Congress and DENTAL EXPO 2024 traditionally in X-BIONIC® SPHERE ŠAMORÍN-ČILISTOV.

                        After the successful 23rd edition of SDD, we remain in the organization of the almost three-day event starting on Thursday, 10/10/2024 and concluding on Saturday, 12/10/2024 at 17:45 h, which allowed us to allocate 21 CREDITS to the congress.

                        We have prepared an interesting concept of the clinical program so that everyone who is interested can attend the congress. I believe that the rich professional, entertaining social program and the concert of the TUBLATANKA group will bring you an unforgettable atmosphere. The themes of the congress are attractive, bringing a wide range of new-age dentistry: the use of artificial intelligence in dentistry, the use of modern endodontics in dental practice and interprofessional cooperation between orthodontist and prosthodontist in patients with periodontal disease. We are also preparing a parallel section on economic patient management.

                        The congress will be attended by renowned speakers from the domestic and foreign environment, from Italy, Czech Republic, Turkey and Slovak experts will not be missing.

                        I believe that the lectures of the invited domestic and foreign guests will be a great enrichment of the 24th SDD.

                        We are preparing a panel discussion in the clinical as well as in the management programme with the titled experts. How much do teeth cost? I am looking forward to the exchange of views of us dentists and medical analysts.

                        For the first time, we have prepared an endodontic treat for you: HANDS-ON course with endodontic capacity from Italy, Dr. Massimo Giovarruscio.

                        We are planning not only an interesting professional program, but also a social evening and friendly meetings. I am looking forward to the comedians, impersonators and entertainers Peter Ondria alias Louis Armstrong and Robo Kajzer. TUBLATANKA will perform at the Gala Dinner. After the reception we will have fun at the Disco show with DJ.

                        An integral part of the annual SDD is the DENTAL EXPO and traditionally the exhibitors are a pleasant and interesting enlivenment to our congress. The exhibition space was booked up in just a few days. Unfortunately we are unable to expand the capacity of the resort, but we hope that new exhibitors will be able to reach you.

                        Friends, you are cordially welcome to the XXIV. SDD. I look forward to seeing you in the beautiful X-bionic resort in Šamorín – Čilistovo.

                        About the Congress

                        The Slovak Dental Days (SDD) is the utmost international congress convened by the Slovak Chamber of Dentists. For years, the event has enjoyed extraordinary success among dentists as well as specialists from Slovakia and abroad.

                        The significance and importance of the Congress has been expressed by the World Federation of Dentists FDI by taking over the annual patronage of this important event.

                        Modern trends in dentistry, the latest findings in oral health as well as other perspectives on modern health care are the main topics presented at each edition of the SDD.

                        Instructions and information

                        Media partner

                        How to register:

                        INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPANT

                        1. Click “REGISTER” 

                        2. Click “+ REGISTER FOR ACTIVITY” at the bottom – left

                        3. Select the type of participant – „INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPANT

                              Make sure to enter correct email address.

                        4. Fill Billing Address in the Registration Form

                        5. Click “NEXT

                        6. Click “REGISTER FOR THE ACTIVITY” to complete the registration 

                        7. Congress fee can be paid instantly by card

                        8. If you prefer to pay via internet banking, please use payment details below

                        9. You will receive link to access the congress by email 2 days before the start of the congress


                        Congress fee:  102,- EUR

                        Payment details:

                        IBAN: SK81 0200 0000 0027 7113 4356

                        SWIFT code: SUBASKBX

                        Payment reference: 322021, your name & surname