Andrej Trulík

Obchodný zástupca

Dominik Kolodziej

Obchodný zástupca
+421 911 628 217

About us

Quality products and reliable service

The company MEDIMA-SK has been selling and servicing dental units, X-ray equipment and other devices for more than 25 years. Thanks to this rich experience, we can offer QUALITY PRODUCTS AND RELIABLE SERVICE TO THE ENTIRE TERRITORY OF THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC.

Everything under one roof

Thanks to a great team of experts, we can cover the entire project of opening a dental practice or a dental clinic. From the selection of suitable premises through design, construction modifications, implementation & professional supervision.


How to register:


1. Click “REGISTER” 

2. Click “+ REGISTER FOR ACTIVITY” at the bottom – left

3. Select the type of participant – „INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPANT

      Make sure to enter correct email address.

4. Fill Billing Address in the Registration Form

5. Click “NEXT

6. Click “REGISTER FOR THE ACTIVITY” to complete the registration 

7. Congress fee can be paid instantly by card

8. If you prefer to pay via internet banking, please use payment details below

9. You will receive link to access the congress by email 2 days before the start of the congress


Congress fee:  102,- EUR

Payment details:

IBAN: SK81 0200 0000 0027 7113 4356


Payment reference: 322021, your name & surname